A Crew dedicated to inspiring, Motivating, and energizing every individual to be themselves and find what makes them who they are. This Dance Crew utilizes the self-titled style, "Brain Bangin" to leave audiences in amazement...and often confused to what exactly they just witnessed. the style is a series of connections and large scale visuals that create shapes and puzzles with the human body. in addition to all this. IAMME brings the Swag that is unique to it's southern origin...Houston Texas.
Season 6 in their sights and intensive training has begun. “Phillip Pacman” Chbeeb and Moon have assembled a very strong and creative team.
Phillip Chbeeb aka Pacman http://www.youtube.com/user/pacman
di moon zhang aka Moon http://www.youtube.com/marvelousmoon
Olivia Gonzales aka Chachi http://www.youtube.com/chachi0123
Brandon Harrel aka *747*l http://www.youtube.com/showoff747
Džajna Vaňková aka Jaja http://www.youtube.com/Jajavankova
Emilio Dosa