Miley, star of the new and already fairly well-known comedy series on the Disney Channel (Disney Channel) Hanna M She plays Miley Stewart (Miley Stewart), a 14-year-old girl leading a double life as pop singer Hannah Montana.
Born November 23, 1992 in Nashville, Tennessee, Miley Cyrus (Miley Cyrus) from childhood instilled a love for the stage. Special love she felt seeing her perform on stage dad, country singer and actor Billy Ray Cyrus (Bill Ray Cyrus). After appearing in television productions of her father, Miley Cyrus got her first chance to play with him in the periodic role in the television series "Doc". Since her appearance on television, she starred in "Love Boat; The Next Wave" and appeared in Tim Burton (Tim Burton) "Big Fish".
Since then, she has moved from Nashville to Los Angeles with her parents, sisters Brandi and Noah, brothers Trace and Braison and their dog Loco. Their seven horses, three dogs and two cats remain in Nashville under the care of her grandmother,