Mohamed Hamaki

Mohamed Hamaki

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Hamaki (Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed El Hamaki), an Egyptian Super Star of his own kind emerged to life on the 4th of November 1975, Cairo Egypt. His father was an electric engineer who practiced his work in London, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Who played an integral role towards Hamaki’s professional singing career. However Hamaki’s talent was not discovered at that stage, it all goes back to his childhood as he used to sing for his school’s anniversaries & celebrations. Hamaki the child had a great ability to listen to any type of music and play it on a number of instruments especially the key board. Hamaki loved his music to a great level of detail and passion and from here he earned his degree in Arabic music and graduated at the Cairo academy of arts. Ever since Hamaki entered the music arena he made connections with a number of composers and artists and most importantly met Tarek Madkour (One of the most respected and extremely talented Musical arrangers in the middle east, a man of huge achievements and experience with the best artists in the middle east) who took Hamaki on board and decided to support him and raise his talent to another level. Hamaki managed to introduce himself to the audience through a number of singles. Starting with a song in Lekaa el Nogoom album, followed by a single in Saaedi in the American University and Hammaam in Amsterdam albums, then he took part in the opera band Eid Ala Eid at the opening of the Nile TV channels, also Hamaki sang in another opera band with a number of famous Egyptian and Arabic stars in the El Quds Hatergaa Lena. Hamaki collaborated with Hameed ElShaery and sang a single Saaltak Habeebe in the album Bahebek ya Fairuz. After all these experiences and from that point it was all about shaping Hamaki the star and creating his personalized image, style and musical vision. Hamaki’s focus on songs, lyrics and innovation was his ultimate aim during his pre & production process for his first ever coming album. The result was a strongly honest, soulful record ‘Khaleena Ne’eesh’ where Hamaki’s personality and musical influence by Tarek Madkour took place. Khaleena Ne’eesh was released in 2003 where it integrated with the audience and gained lots of attention and success. Since the release of ‘Khaleena Ne’eesh’ Hamaki and Madkour unfortunately had some misunderstandings and were not able to produce the second album, till 2005 they came back with a single Yana Yanta, which was filmed in Lebanon and resurfaced Hamaki’s appearance and engagement with his fans. Hamaki and without the existence of Tarek Madkour finally managed to produce his second album Kheles El Kalam summer 2006, after 3 years from his first album ‘Khaleena Ne’eesh’. Hamaki awarded his fans what they have been longing for, a stunning hit which blew their minds off and topped their sensations. "Kheles El Kalam" according to the production company "Delta Sounds" and the fans is to be one of the most successful albums out in the market. Hamaki has achieved a remarkable success with his song Ahla Haga Feeky, so he decided to shoot a video clip of the song with 6 models of 6 different Nationalities. It was directed by John Hollingsworth. At the begining of 2008 Hamaki was back again with a CD containing three tracks of a very special single song Bahebak Kol Youm Aktar. The original track was rearranged to have another two different genres of the song. It has made a very remarkable & unique success all over The Middle East after releasing its video clip which already has been shooted in Dubai. After that Hamaki returned strongly with a very hot smash hit Naweeha after two years since his latest album Kheles El Kalam and he proved as alawys that he will never leave the top singer site for any other one & will not accept anything except being No.1 among the other competing singers. Naweeha Album had the priority to be on the top of high-rated al

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