Shinya Kogami is a character from the anime series Psycho-Pass. He is the 28-year-old main male protagonist and one of the Enforcers in Division One. In his job involving arresting criminals, Kogami becomes obsessed with murdering criminal mastermind Shogo Makishima responsible for the murder of one of his former allies to the point he starts doubting the status quo and starts ignoring orders from higher ups to avoid arresting the criminal alive. He has also appeared in the printed adaptations of the series including manga and novels. He is voiced in Japanese by Tomokazu Seki and in English by Robert McCollum. Critical reception to Kogami's character has often been positive due to his traits and role in the series while his rivalry with Makishima has often been praised. He has also been well received by fans earning him the "Mister Noitamina" award in an official poll.