I don't have time for TV, yet like the transfer of Oprah Uifni)))
Любимые книги
I do not like to read)
Любимые цитаты
"I love my fans.")))))
Любимые игры
I have not played, just no time))))
О себе
I like girls with a big smile and beautiful eyes and that should she be a good person and had a sense of humor.
- Usher has been and remains my idol.
I always say: "I love my fans."
- It only takes 20 minutes to the morning to bring their
hair in order:)
I fear and claustrophobia of small places, because when I was 11 years old I got stuck in the elevator and when I was 6 I got stuck in a box with toys.
My favorite brand of toothpaste Colgate.
My favorite brand of shoes Supra.
My favorite thing to give the girl a kiss, I love to kiss))
I love you my fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!