E - RA - DI - CATE!
OB - LI - TE - RATE!
AN - NI - HI - LATE!
EX - TER - MI - NATE!!!
Women will forgive anything. Otherwise, the race would have died out long ago. (C) Robert Anson Heinlein
"If you think C++ is not overly complicated, just what is a protected abstract virtual base pure virtual private destructor and when was the last time you needed one? — Tom Cargill"
What’s that in the mirror? Or the corner of your eye? What’s that footstep following, but never passing by? Perhaps they’re all just waiting, perhaps when we’re all dead Out they’ll come a-slithering from underneath the bed.
Любимые игры
Нет данных или скрыто
О себе
ломанули, всё потёрли и толком не поспамили даже. если хотите, знать всё что я про них думаю - просто спроите