as if dead can speak . they can testify what's coming after depart
Главное в жизни
Отношение к курению
Нет данных или скрыто
Отношение к алкоголю
Нет данных или скрыто
Интересы и увлечения
outing, fun, enjoyment ... long drive at night . Basically I enjoy everything, anytime, anywhere as long as am with the right company!
hate book :@, intrest where ever it takes it depends :)
Любимые фильмы
300, lord of the rings, 1000bc, god father, step up1, 2, 3, many more .....
Любимая музыка
poetry, rock, house .... depend on mood :)
Любимые телешоу
game of throne, lost, spartacus, supernatural, vampire diaries
Любимые книги
i hate books :@
Любимые цитаты
1.Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta.find the ones worth suffering for.
2.Nothing is easy in life but also nothin is imposible .
3.Give up mean's you dont worth it .
4.Imporatant decisions are alway difficult in life .
5.Man is of words & statements who respect his words world respect him.
6.when life gives u 1 reason to "CRY" give it 100 reasonS to "SMILE" :D :D :D :D
Любимые игры
football, cricket
О себе
1.simple rule : make yoyr rules be simple live simple.
2.Fate chooses relations, i choose my friends. :)
3.My belief beauti lies in the eyes of person not the appearances.
4.Life seems different from every eye & each aspect . so just "smile" life seems good to me .
5.Expectation hurts so just Give whatever can do better for others but dont keep expectation.
6.Be good to other ALLAH have somthing best for you.
7.Prefer to wait untill my time comes.
8.My Logo " SMILE" :-)
9.All will die in the end leave something here by which we can be remember forever.*Respect* *Fun* *Honour* ...
Оразование и карьера
Нет данных или скрыто
ОрганизацияHaim construction Services
Начало работы2015 г.
Учебное заведениеLUCT - Kuala Lumpur Campus
ГородKuala Lumpur
ФакультетFaculty of Business Management & Globalization