Often we say "hate" just to make ourselves believe in it.
Often we say "I do not like, but in the soul of our tears flow.
Often we say "Goodbye" for a chance to see the man again.
We say "Go away", that man could not see our tears.
We say "Never" when we know that this will happen again.
We say "fallen out of love (a)" where are afraid to confess her feelings.
We say "I forgot you (a)" when the idea of a man does not go out of my head.
We say "I deleted (and) his (her) room" when remember it by heart.
We say "Between us all over" when everything is just beginning.
Sometimes we can not say "I love" when afraid to hear the answer.
We ask to be left alone when in need of someone's support.
We hope when there is no chance.
We look forward to, when we know that about us already forgotten.
We would be happy knowing that this will never happen.
"We live as it were, will never die and die as though they had never lived"
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О себе
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Оразование и карьера
Класс 4
Начало обучения1995 г.
Окончание обучения1999 г.
Нет данных или скрыто
Учебное заведениеНТУУ "КПИ"
СпециальностьФизической и биомедицинской электроники