Besides, that I well play on percussions, a guitar and keyboard, at me is also a heap of other talents. Since the early childhood I went in for sports. I the excellent basketball player, the hockey player and the football player, and since recent time it also started to be fond of golf. Perfectly knows French and German languages. In an everyday life I talk to the British accent as considers that it gives it to a sexuality voice.
I have got the world popularity by means of the Internet. In 2007 my mum has loaded on ютуб video where I sing on one of competitions of young executors. Patricia removed all performances Justin Bieber on the chamber, and then spread video in the Internet that relatives could look at her son. Пэтти very much was surprised, when has learned that in Justin are interested not only the family, but also the famous American producers. Through ютуб the agent the Scooter Brown also left on the future star. Despite the age, at the boy very strong voice and huge potential. Having seen Justin, Brown's video at once has brought young talent in Antlantu on sound recording studio where in 2008 the contract with the producer and singer Asherom has been concluded. In 2009 there was a first single under the name «One time», and after a while and the first album. Justin Bibera's popularity grows every day more and more. Now in plans of the singer to arrive in musical college. He is dreamed to sing in a duet with world scale stars, for example, with Bejonsi or Rihanna.
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"Three meters over sky level"
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All in my execution.
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everything and the more so where there is I, well I like most гдето to participate more.
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О себе
It is necessary to notice that my mum already has had time to feel on itself all delights of popularity. Somehow on one of concerts of Australia mad fans literally words, have knocked Patricia down more close to approach to an idol. After such incident she for some time has ceased to visit my concerts.