Japanimation, Anime, Shawshank Redemption, 300, Braveheart, Usual Suspects, Aliens, Hudsucker Proxy, Terminator, Fight Club, Last Samurai, Cutthroat Island, Tombstone, the Bourne Series, Point Break
Любимая музыка
Music with lots of energy, music that tells a story, music that reminds you how much you feel.
Любимые телешоу
Sci-Fi channel, Discovery channel, Cartoon Network but I don't own a T.V
Любимые книги
Нет данных или скрыто
Любимые цитаты
Нет данных или скрыто
Любимые игры
Chess, ultimate frisbee, capture the flag, Star Wars: Online, Eve: Online
О себе
I'm that silly goof-ball that you just love to hang out with! I'm always there for a good laugh and love to hang out with friends and have a good time. I'm a total adrenaline junkie, so I'm never one to pass up an adventure.