Some like it hot, La vita è bella, American Beauty
Любимая музыка
The Beatles, Scorpions, Janis Joplin, the Queen, Franc Sinatra
Любимые телешоу
Friends, The Ellen DeGeneres Show
Любимые книги
Oscar Wilde, William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, O'Henry, F.S.Fitzgerald etc
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"I am easily satisfied with the very best."
Winston Churchill
“Those who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing of their own.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“Change your language and you change your thoughts.”
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О себе
I spent three days a week for 10 years educating myself in the public library, and it's better than college. People should educate themselves - you can get a complete education for no money. At the end of 10 years, I had read every book in the library and I'd written a thousand stories.
Ray Bradbury