sport-singing-swiming-listen to music-meeting new friends
Hunter X Hunter ---
Любимые фильмы
stardust- avatar- I'am sam - switchers- gong fu hustle
Любимая музыка
Rude-magic, Austin mahone -shadows, Avril laving - Let me go, Evanesance -My heart is broken -Ed Sheeran (all songs)
Любимые телешоу
Bein Sports - Mtv arebia- Medi1tv- MBC4
Любимые книги
1000 chemin un destin
Любимые цитаты
--Never be afraid to ask for help. don't wait till its to let to tell someone. Everyone has problems. Don't beafraid. Nobodies perfect.
--"If you don´t fight for what you want, don´t cry for what you lost."