Producer & Administrator at DARK'HADE RECORDS & HARDBASS CREW FRANCE. ☢ HardBass | Metal Shade | Pumping & Scouse House☢
My Label DARK'HADE RECORDS (Violent Style Label) Special international label for the violent sound (HardBass / Metal Shade)
And My Sound [HardBass - Metal Shade - Pumping - Bumping]
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/!\ Violent Style Music /!\ [HardBass - Metal Shade - Pumping - Scouse House]
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!! Davai Davai !!
!! Oppaaa HardBass !!
!! Metal Shade Powaa !!
!! Violent Style Music !!
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О себе
DARK'HADE RECORDS (Violent Style Label)
Special international label for the violent sound !
(Metal Shade / HardBass)
By Silicium Criminy
I'm a french producer of HardBass, Metal Shade, Pumping & Scouse House. Administrator of the label Dark'Hade Records. For 3 years, i'm inspired by the style of Russian producers like M-Thrill, DimSound, Yurbanoïd, Zhestyanshiki and many others...
Listen, Like, Share & Buy ! Davai Davai !
[Heisenberg Of The HardBass]