Java, C++, Ruby, Настольные и компьютерные игры, Вархаммер, mtg
Любимые фильмы
The lord of the rings
Любимая музыка
Linkin park, Imagine Dragons, Offspring, Five, Manafest, thousand foot krutch
Любимые телешоу
Любимые книги
The lord of the rings, Стрелок
Любимые цитаты
"I am the Arch-fiend, the Despoiler of Worlds, and by my hands shall the false Emperor fall." — Abaddon, Warmaster of Chaos
"Horus was weak. Horus was a fool. He had the whole galaxy within his grasp and he let it slip away." — Abaddon the Despoiler, Warmaster of Chaos
Любимые игры
WarCraft 3, C&C triberium wars, С&C, Warhammer 40k dawn of war II, WoW, Assassin's creed, Final Fantasy