"Улыбайтесь, это всех раздражает!" - Василий Стрельников.
"Красота в глазах смотрящего"
Many will touch your hand, a few will touch your heart, however only someone special will see your soul. If you understand that Wanting is not the same as Needing, that sometimes you can't come first, that Perfection is only in the mind, that Fate has a way of stepping on our toes, that if I say "fine" I mean fine, that if you ask me a question you will get an Honest answer, that Head Games and Fairy Tales are for little girls not grown women, that you will Never Know unless you Take a Chance, that the Possibility far outweighs the Probability, that acquaintences are many but REAL friends few, and that I am ALWAYS there for my friends no questions asked, that we all have a destiny and some have yet to find it, then email me. You never know —it could be an adventure--------
Любимые игры
О себе
Оразование и карьера
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ОрганизацияФГУП "Почта России"
Начало работы2007 г.
Окончание работы2012 г.
ОрганизацияООО "ММП-Ирбис"
Начало работы2013 г.
Учебное заведение[Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow; Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead; Walk beside me and just be my friend] ....