About Us
Exclusivity advertising agency inside international arrival halls of Hurghada Airport and soon Sharm El-Sheikh Airport.
Our Mission
Reach each tourist steps on Hurghada's land and each resident living here.
Company Overview
Karma Group is the mother company for:
1- Karma Media Arrival Hall, Hurghada Airport "Information Desk"
2- Kleine Tours Hurghada, Sharm, Cairo, Giza, Sues and Menia.
3- VIP Services At Hurghada Airport Arrival Hall.
4- Pink Flower Hurghada, Cairo.
What We Do!
Inside Hurghada Airport:
1- Distributing Hurghada Map has your location.
2- Distributing " Where 2 Go Guide ".
3- Distributing " Hurghada Info Guide ".
4- Distributing your flyer hand to hand to the tourists.
5- Playing your advertise screenshots on a big screen.
5- displaying big signs on the information Desk "Sponsors only".
In Hurghada City:
1- Distributing Hurghada Map has your location in Hurghada outlets.
2- Distributing " Where 2 Go Guide " location in Hurghada outlets.
3- Distributing " Hurghada Info Guide " location in Hurghada outlets.
4- Distributing your flyer hand to hand to residents and Egyptians.
5- Displaying your advertises screenshots on Bowlling Center screens.
6- Displaying your advertises screenshots on Abu Ashra branches.
7- A Facebook campaign for fast results and real feedback.
8- An SMS campaign for most of Hurghada's contacts.
9- Advertise in our radio advertising channel "Hurghada FM"
10-Websites designing,
11-Reserving Domains, E-mails and Internet spaces for websites.
12-Advertises designing.
13-Designing, creating and operating Mobile applications for Appel and Android systems.
14-printing flyers, brochures, business card and all stationaries.
15-printing and making signs, light boxes and surfaces.
16-Locations photography and Photo Session.
17- Homes, Offices and Shops decorating and interior designing.
18-Leading Elections campaigns.