Anything outdoors & ACTIVE & extremely adventurous as I am bad at sitting still and doing what other people do
Skateboarding, & music & TRAVELING the planet conquering it one continent at a time & having fun! =)
Любимые фильмы
The Shawshank Redemption, KIDS, Wizard of Oz, & Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. =)
Любимая музыка
PuNk RoCk, (Go Pussy Riot!=)
Любимые телешоу
The Walking Dead & Seinfeld, & the Simpsons, & Soth Park & Breaking Bad. =)
Любимые книги
Off Season butt mostly travel books because I LOVE TO TRAVEL!
Любимые цитаты
"We never regret what we did. We only regret WHAT WE DIDN'T DO!" =)
Любимые игры
Tomb Raider & anything cartoonish. =)
О себе
If you could find my Couchsurfing profile you could learn a lot more about me there because that's where I put MOST of my information since it seems to not be such a waste of time since it's original design was to bring the world together ONE COUCH AT A TIME! Sincerely, Danny B. =)
Оразование и карьера
НаименованиеEast High School
ГородSioux City
ОрганизацияSome company nobody outside of Soviet Russia has ever heard of called YANDEX?
Начало работы2019 г.
Окончание работы2020 г.
ДолжностьAmericani-zing the Text one translated word at a time