I love going to the beach, reading books and hanging out with friends. Favorite sport I think tennis. Sports-tennis, reading books, photography, hanging out with friends
Любимые фильмы
"Blue lagoon" and "garden state"
Любимая музыка
Mickey Avalon
Любимые телешоу
Нет данных или скрыто
Любимые книги
The catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger
Любимые цитаты
Нет данных или скрыто
Любимые игры
Нет данных или скрыто
О себе
1. Started Smoking at 15.
2. At school teased cow.
3. At the age of 16 I met a guy who still loves.
4. In life, actually I did not like the water only to drink.
5. In 14 years kept painted in the blonde.
6. Wanted dream in the role of Ricky
If all is calm-the soul of any companiea and the light from my light and heat all Vokrug if started Metelitsa,from me you can expect anything!I'm hot,fiery,bright,energetic,creative,determined,cheerful and confident in seamo pros:mobility,optimism,resourcefulness,dedication,perseverance,generosity,the ability to make decisions quickly,courage and kommunikabelinosti cons:recklessness,beskompromissnosti,arrogance,impatience,stubbornness,lightheadedness,haste and propensity to gordinis series h2o-it is similar to Rickie girl by nature very sarcastic, intemperate language, brisk. Sometimes, when I find melancholy love to be alone... and I'm mostly a hermit is a person who is alone. To understand my difficult, but not to understand even more difficult. Irony and sarcasm slip on almost all of my word, cynicism is present in many of my actions. At first sight you might call me hamli, but fool me yet no one called. I'm pretty vindictive, but your friends love and stand up for them the mountain. About like I say, break-Golovach: 166 cm
Weight: 61 kg
Height: 5'8'' (173cm)
Bust: 34
Waist: 24'' (61cm)
Hips: 34'' (86cm)
Shoes: 39
Dress: 8
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brunette