Godfather, Once upon a time in America, Gladiator, Pianist, SAve private Ryan, Brave heart, Enemy of the state, Bourns identity, Leon, Forest GUmp, Tears of the sun, Terminal, Green mile, what dreams may come, patriot, Kill Bill, Enemy of the state, injection, u-571, Schindler's List, Prison Break, Naked Gun...nu i kone4noje nashe sovetskoe kino!
Любимая музыка
Soundracki ....osobenno k filmu "Leon", Alizee, Sting, Bryan Adams, joe Cocker, Phill Collins, V.Meladze, Shahzod, Yalla, S.Rakhimhon, 2pac, A-ha, Moby, Simon Webbe, Hans Zimmer, Evenesence.....e.t.c
Любимые телешоу
Maski show
Любимые книги
fantastika, istroriya, politika, and fresh NEWS
Любимые цитаты
vivere est militere!!!
Любимые игры
Hitman, Call of Duty, GTA, CS, Fallout, Syberia
О себе
goluboglaziy stroyniy viskoy blondin s rodinkami na lice