Полеты, бухач, накур, бабы, дачи, развлечения, нахуячиться в гавно, утром все помнить, СМЕРТЬ ОТХОДАМ!!!, пипетка, кальян, парик, булька, косяк, трубка, римская ладья, шлангобуль, свежий воздух, заблудиться в лесу, выйти а наберужную и пол часа охуевать над тем как я туда попал, не палиться перед ментами, emo sux!, убить буша, взять взятку, снять убойну комедию, прославиться на весь мир, взорвать америку, убить всех гопников на земле, жить одному, выращивать траву на балконе, pc, ps3, x-box 360, залипать, устроить евро-тур, плюнуть с эйфелевой башни, поссать за бигбеном, праздники, веселье, не попасть ментам, конец года 7 класса, привязать камень к ноге и спрыгнуть с катаморана
Любимые фильмы
чтоб потом не жалко было что время потратил
Любимая музыка
Любимые телешоу
мега залип с перерывами на рекламу
Любимые книги
Нет данных или скрыто
Любимые цитаты
What the fuck was that? - mayor of hiroshima
Look at all those fucking indians! - general custler
What a place to plant a fucking tree. - marc bolan
That's not a real fucking gun! - john lennon
Of course it fucking looks like her! - pablo picasso
I thought I could smell fucking petrol! - nikki lauder
Watch him he'll have some fucker's eye out. - king harold
Who let that fucking woman drive? - space shuttle captain
No fucker's gonna know... - richard nixon
Where's all that fucking water coming from? - captain of the titanic
Who the fuck farted? - greek warrior in the Trojan horse
Desafina, canto, meu amor, tu és fixe, es muito bom - Michelle Adamson
It's a lot quieter on the way down than the journey up. No one wants you around when you've got nothing left. I wanted out so badly but I couldn't just walk away with nothing - Business
In the dark ocean of my intellect swims a magnificent whale of a plan - Doctor Neo Cortex
Любимые игры
Assassin's creed, Mirror's edge, Max payne 1/2, Alan Wake, Bioshock, Crysis, Tekken, Call of Duty, GTA Prototype, Burnout: Paradise, StarCraft 1/2, Mercenaries 2: World in Flames, Mario
О себе
I can paint in a nothingness. I'm simply moving my hand around. I can think of color and there will be it, there's my finger as a paintbrush. I can paint all kinds of things. I've painted trees, flowers, birds, animals, bees, rainbows and clouds, and everything I've painted.... Everything I've painted came for life as soon as I finished. It's amazing... I started to gain to it. I spent hours, days... Who knows how have i spent but I made everything just as I'd like it to be in my ideal world. There were no pollution, no busy streets, no cars messing around. I made it absolutely perfect. Meaning my mind i felt sure i can make this place last for ever so I could live here and make everything exactly how I wish it to be.