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Should you have any questions personally to the owner of this VK profile, please think prior sending a message whether you can handle your own personal issues without involving people in trouble
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Should you have any doubts, please think twice before you do some actions
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Owner of this VK profile will contact you as soon as he reads your message taking into account time available.
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Owner of this VK profile may write you a message with no advanced warning.
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Intentionally left blank
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Owner of this VK profile guarantees that his messages won't be offensive
О себе
End quote
Оразование и карьера
НаименованиеКусочинская средняя школа
Нет данных или скрыто
Учебное заведениеРГГУ (МФ)
ФакультетГосударственное и муниципальное управление