Work from Home Wife and Mom of 3 children. I do a lot of online marketing its a very good source of income but its a job just like anything else.
Self employment and making my family happy.
Любимые фильмы
Purple rain and Under The Cherry Moon
Любимая музыка
Soul and R&B some alternative and Rap
Любимые телешоу
Нет данных или скрыто
Любимые книги
Нет данных или скрыто
Любимые цитаты
Нет данных или скрыто
Любимые игры
Нет данных или скрыто
О себе
Very Loving mom and wife not looking for anything more than just network to meet people interested in making money its a big world and to many people are without the basics its right at your figure tips lets get it.