Welcome to the World Wide Music Contest, the most innovative on line music contest in the world.
The goal of the World Wide Music Contest is to give a chance to young artists, scouting new talent from all over the world and giving them tangible help, consisting of exposure, a cash prize and a real possibility to work for success.
The songs of each participant will be listened to and evaluated by producers and professionals of the field, all chosen for their high level of professionalism, and big names of the music business.
The World Wide Music Contest is exclusively about new bands, solo artists and singers. We are looking for genuine talent from all over the world. Judging will be careful and respectful, but at the same time strict and precise, looking for motivation and abilities, talent and expressivity in order to reward the most talented with important prizes, be it in big exposure, cash or in musical instruments of the highest quality.
For more information please contact: info@worldwidemusicontest.com
The World Wide Music Contest is exclusively about new bands, solo artists and singers. We are looking for genuine talent from all over the world. Judging will be careful and respectful, but at the same time strict and precise, looking for motivation and abilities, talent and expressivity in order to reward the most talented with important prizes.
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Are you a musician and do you think you’ve got talent? Have you not been given a chance or have you heard only doors closing before they even open? Take part in the WWMC…. the only truly global musical contest! YOU could be the winner and YOU could start a career in show business. WWMC is your key to the music business!!!