Paul Green

Paul Green

Фотографии профиля (3)

Paul Green фото профиля #1
Paul Green фото профиля #2
Paul Green фото профиля #3

Фотографии со стены (19)

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Paul Green фото со стены #1
Paul Green фото со стены #2
Paul Green фото со стены #3
Paul Green фото со стены #4
Paul Green фото со стены #5
Paul Green фото со стены #6

Основная информация

Настройки приватности
Открытый профиль
Последнее посещение
10 лет назад (Android)
Бан и удаление

Общая информация

Нет данных или скрыто
Дата рождения
16 февраля 1987 (37 лет)
Нет данных или скрыто
Семейное положение
Не женат
Дедушки и бабушки
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Братья и сёстры
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Нет данных или скрыто
Нет данных или скрыто

Контактная информация

Huntington Woods
Родной город
Huntington Woods
Моб. телефон
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Доп. телефон
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Нет данных или скрыто
Нет данных или скрыто
Нет данных или скрыто
Нет данных или скрыто
Нет данных или скрыто

Жизненная позиция

Политические предпочтения
Be Happy!
Главное в людях
Нет данных или скрыто
Источники вдохновения
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Главное в жизни
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Отношение к курению
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Отношение к алкоголю
Нет данных или скрыто

Интересы и увлечения

Living this life
Geography, People, The sound of rain drops on roof tops, Really fucking good coffee, Building igloos with Kyle and Dan, Hot Cocoa, Love, Marine Mammals, laughing, Nordic Skate Skiing, haggling, Hockey, Rugby, Swimming, Beauty, Kayaking, Soccer, Handball, Writing Poetry, Music, Movies, I love dogs, Evenings and mornings at beaches, my hammock, tea, Riding bikes (mountain and road), climbing, and Cooking, I really love cooking, Crazy Blizzard force waves hitting break walls., Oh yeah, did I mention music
Любимые фильмы
Amelie, The Good Shephard, Stranger Than Fiction, Boondock Saints, Fight Club, Dogma, The Producers, The Bird Cage, anything Monty Python, 300, Good Will Hunting, Good Night and Good Luck, Everything is Illuminated, All of the James Bond 007 Films, Little Miss Sunshine, The Devil Wears Prada, Singing in The Rain, An American in Paris, Patch Adams, Jeremiah Johnson, 10 Things I Hate about You, A Knight's Tale, anything else with Paul Bettany
Любимая музыка
ANY and All Rock and or Roll, about everything else as well., Dialated Peoples, Canada...most all indie for that matter, George Gershwin
Любимые телешоу
The History, Discovery, and National Geographic channels, The food Network, and AMC because of the wonderful old movies. No Reservations!
Любимые книги
The Last Samurai (not the same story as the movie), Pride and Prejudice, Hatchet, Night, Number the Stars, The Biography of Satchel Paige, Kitchen Confidential, Like Water for Chocolate
Любимые цитаты
If I thought it was manly, I'd talk about pissing on computers all day, but that's not my concern! -Kyle Casey He doesn't fuck like he's gay! -Anonymous Can't sleep...Must eat cookie. -Eva Juni I like to think I have a little sugar in me. -Rachael Kelly You do what you love and fuck the rest. - Little Miss Sunshine Once you can accept the universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy. - Albert Einstein Love is a many splendid thing. Love lifts us up where we belong. ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE!!! -Moulin Rouge An entire generation pumping gas and waiting tables; or they're slaves with white collars. Advertisements have them chasing cars and clothes, working jobs they hate, so they can buy shit they DON'T NEED. We are the middle children of history, with no purpose or place. We have no great war, or great depression. The great war is a spiritual war, the great depression is our lives. We were raised by television to believe that we'd be millionaires and movie gods and rock stars -- but we WONT. And we're learning that fact. And we are very, VERY PISSED OFF. -FIGHT CLUB After all these years its still an arms race. After all these years they still don't fucking get it. Lives and cultures matter more than capitalist interest. It's the FBI; it's the CIA; the SAF, the IMF; from HMOs to MTV. Fuck you. When you are so hungry that you'd believe anything, they're selling us the politics of starving. What the fuck does that really mean to us? -? "Anything you want to, do it. Want to change the world? There's nothing to it." -Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory(Mr. Wilder) Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind ~Dr. Suess Skit for 102 Amy: Morality is just a construct of the Bourgeoisie. Sean: God is just a construct of the Bourgeoisie. Amy: DAMN the Bourgeoisie! A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having! -V for Vendetta Give a moment or two to the angry young man, With his foot in his mouth and his heart in his hand. He's been stabbed in the back, he's been misunderstood, It's a comfort to know his intentions are good. And he sits in a room with a lock on the door, With his maps and his medals laid out on the floor- And he likes to be known as the angry young man. -Billy Joel
Любимые игры
Нет данных или скрыто
О себе
I like to smile and find ways to help others do the same.

Оразование и карьера

Наименование Berkley High School
Город Berkley
Начало обучения 2001 г.
Окончание обучения 2005 г.
Специализация Fun
Организация Гимназиа 5
Начало работы 2009 г.
Окончание работы 2009 г.
Должность Physical Education Teacher
Учебное заведение Northern Michigan University
Факультет College of Professional Studies
Окончание обучения 2009 г.
Форма обучения Очное отделение
Квалификация Выпускник (бакалавр)
Служба в армии
Нет данных или скрыто

Подписки (6)

Подписчики (6)