Snowboarding, skiing, cross country skiing, hiking, hunting, swimming, camping, gardening, reading and relaxing
Depends. Almost anything outdoors
Любимые фильмы
The Usual Suspects, The Crow, Kung Fu Panda
Любимая музыка
Classic Rock and New Age Rock
Любимые телешоу
The Walking Dead, UFC
Любимые книги
Game of Thrones series, Dune series
Любимые цитаты
Нет данных или скрыто
Любимые игры
Нет данных или скрыто
О себе
I am a country boy from Montana. Divorced with 3 children. I like to be active and spend most of my free time doing stuff with my children. We do lots of downhill skiing and hunting. I live in a rural area in the mountains. I am going to Kharkov this summer.