Битва екстрасенсов, Сексуальная революция, Самый умный!
Любимые книги
Ги де Мопассан "Блеск и нищета куртизанок"
Любимые цитаты
Have you ever confused a dream with life? Or stolen something when you have the cash? Have you ever been blue? Or thought your train moving while sitting still? Maybe I was just crazy. Or maybe I was just a girl… interrupted. ~Girl, Interrupted
Сто гор Кавказких истолочь пестом,
Сто лет в тюрме томиться под замком,
Окрасить кровью сердца небо легче
Чем...провести мгновение с глупцом
Las cosas ocurren una sola vez y por mucho que esfuerces ya nunca volveran a sentir lo mismo ya nunca tendras la sensacion de estar a....Tres metros sobre el cielo...
*Yo te quiero
*Yo también te quiero
*Pero yo te quiero más
*Yo te quiero de aquí a Barcelona
*Yo de aquí al cielo
*Yo hasta más del cielo
*A cuanto?
*A tres metros sobre el cielo .♥
Любимые игры
Split of Steal
О себе
Day by day, step by step, I become a little more unbroken. And though sometimes I fall…I’m forever falling forward.
I am selfish, impatient, and it is a little not safe, I make mistakes, sometimes I fly into a rage, and from time to time I am heavy for maintaining.
But if you cannot sustain me when I such - you do not deserve me!!!
- I do not like to argue...
- Hate people who don't recognise the errors!
- Seldom I forgive lie and insults!
- I appreciate an openness and sincerity in people.