Sister Joan-Mary-Shl

Sister Joan-Mary-Shl

Апостольская из двух сердец Иисуса и Марии

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Sister Joan-Mary-Shl фото со стены #4
Sister Joan-Mary-Shl фото со стены #5
Sister Joan-Mary-Shl фото со стены #6

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Дата рождения
08 декабря 1957 (66 лет)
English, Deutsch
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Интересы и увлечения

The Society of the Two Hearts of Love, that is to say the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Heart of Mama Maria, His Mother, are dedicated to the Two Hearts of Love, in order to live the reign of Love on earth and to promote the same among the people of God. The devotion responds to the crucial interest of the Two Hearts of Love, because it is principally centred on the salvation of souls, which is the focal point of the Incarnation of Love in the Person of Jesus Christ as the Incarnation of God’s mercy. God wants to give us real divine life that transcends all human expectation in the realm of earthly joy or happiness. Jesus says: “I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance” (John 10:10). The expression of Love of Jesus was not in a partial way, or selfish way, but total and unqualifiable. He confirms this when he says: “A greater love than this no man has than to lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). Jesus has shown his supreme love for mankind by obediently giving up his will. “He was humble and walked the path of obedience all the way to death – his death on the cross” (Phil 2:8). His death on the cross is the work of Love. It is the work of His heart. In doing this God destined that Mama Maria should be with Him in the work of salvation. From the first moment of the Incarnation Mary has been part and parcel of the work of redemption with her obedient Love and positive response to God. Along with Jesus, and subordinate to Him she disposed herself for our salvation. She followed Jesus on the way to Calvary and offered her Son as a supreme sacrifice to God for our salvation. She died in heart as the Queen of all Martyrs with her Son on the cross. It is as if the Two Hearts died together on Calvary for every pang of the nails and hammers in the body of Christ went through the heart of the Mother of Sorrow. This is the reason why the Two Hearts cannot be separated. They are destined together in Love for divine purposes, our salvation. They deserve utmost devotion for this. Hence the prayer says “Jesus! Mary! I love You. Be appeased. Save all souls. Amen.” Precise and succinct as this prayer is, it strikes the highest point of prayer. First of all with exclamation it calls on the most important Names that can save us. Secondly it expresses love to them, which we seldom express. Thirdly it asks for appeasement, which is most needed today because the heart of God is grossly hurt today more than ever before. The Heart of Jesus and Mama Maria are equally hurt as they see people sinning against God who deserves nothing from us but Love. Oh! Unfortunately LOVE is not loved. This Prayer of Love and reparation is like an arrow shot into heaven that cannot miss its target. It is a most precious heavenly gift. What is most needed in the world today is give love for love: give back to God the Love that He first gives us and express our sorrow for sins committed. This Prayer fulfils this and spurs us to continuous further devotion. The remaining part of the mystical prayer speaks for itself. Those who have mystical mind will discern the profundity of the prayer; it is simple, selfless penetrating, spiritual and salvific. If anybody does not understand it, let him or her keep praying until the discernment of the Spirit is given to him or her. The indisputable fact about it is that only the Spiritual can discern things of the Spirit. The Prayer is most powerful for growth in Love and other virtues. It is most useful for loving hearts who have ardent desire to love God and make reparation for sins. I do whole-heartedly recommend the devotion of the Two Hearts of Love. It is angelic in their reverential prostration before Divine Majesty. JESUS! MARY! I LOVE YOU. BE APPEASED. SAVE ALL SOULS. AMEN.
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