collaborating with the police of my area as citizen safety promoter & teaching chess to childs & teens in the police's kids club & talent support
talent support & help to my community to develope
Любимые фильмы
star wars, 2001spacial odyssey
Любимая музыка
all from Primitive to new age
Любимые телешоу
Нет данных или скрыто
Любимые книги
the little prince, johan livingston seagull, Dune(2 trilogies)
Любимые цитаты
vive de tal manera que aun tu muerte sea util
lives so that even your death is useful
Любимые игры
chess, backgammon, I- go
О себе
me interesa ayudar gente y colaboro con la policia de mi pais para ayudar a mi comunidad a surgir creando proyectos sociales principalmente para niños y adultos mayores.tambien hago apoyo de talento.
I like to help people and collaborate with the police in my country to help my community to emerge creating social projects primarily for children and seniors.too I do talent support