the godfather, scarface and so mush more, saw collection, scary movie 4, 24, mission impossible collection, bee movie, national treasure 2, tokyo drift's, traus formers, good luck tashk, room 1408, brave heart, angel, gadfather collection's, america die collection's, the lord of the ring's collection's
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prison break
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О себе
Any moment* everything can change
*Feel the wind on your shoulder
*For a minute* all the world can wait
.Let go of your yesterday
?Can you hear it calling
?Can you feel it in your soul
?Can you trust this longing
*And take control
Open up the part of you that wants to hide away
*You can shine
*Forget about the reasons why you cant in life
*And start to try* cause it's your time
.Time to fly
*All your worries* leave them somewhere else
*Find a dream you can follow
*Reach for something* when there's nothing left
.And the world's feeling hollow
?Can you hear it calling
?Can you feel it in your soul
?Can you trust this longing
.And take control
Open up the part of you that wants to hide away
*You can shine
*Forget about the reasons why you cant in life
*And start to try* cause it's your time
.Time to fly
*And we're you're down and feel alone
*And want to run away
*Trust yourself and don't give up
*You know you better than anyone else
*Any moment* everything can change
*Feel the wind on your shoulder
*For a minute* all the world can wait
*Let go of your yesterday
Open up the part of you that wants to hide away
*You can shine
*Forget about the reasons why you cant in life
*And start to try
*Forget about the reasons why you can't in life
*And start to try* cause it's your time
.Time to fly
.Any moment* everything can change
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