Citius, Altius, Fortius
Онај коме повериш своју тајну, постаје господар твоје слободе.
“A race is a work of art that people can look at and be affected in as many ways as they’re capable of understanding.”
Steve Prefontaine
"When I go out and race, I'm not trying to beat opponents, I'm trying to beat what I have done ... to beat myself, basically. People find that hard to believe because we've had such a bias to always strive to win things. If you win something and you haven't put everything into it, you haven't actually achieved anything at all. When you've had to work hard for something and you've got the best you can out of yourself on that given day, that's where you get satisfaction from."
Ian Thorpe
"Stay focused, stay determined, never complain, stay confident, always remember: CAN´T is NOT an option, and where there is a will, there´s a way..."
Всегда радуйтесь. Радость - это не путь, но вам будет легче идти, это не груз, но вам будет легче нести свою ношу, в вашем сердце и разуме не останется места для мрака, если в нем поселится радость.