The journey by car will take 53 hours and 54 minutes
Distance - 4185 kilometers
You don't like winter, you like it when it's warm
Do you dream of flying to Miami for the New Year…
Planes, cars, money
Going with the wind to Las Vegas
This is a Dodge Charger model, not a Gay Carrera
I drink Dragon Fruit juice, wash it down with Olmeca
You know, sunsets look even cuter in those parts
Welcome to the West!
You get rich here
There are p*zdaty girls and p*zdaty sunsets
Clubs, parties, k*cain - Al Pacino was bragging here
Helicopter from Vice City, Sunshine State, Miami City
Alcohol is your abode, from the eighties disco
And the sand here is so white, the ocean here is so clean
And we are drunk in g * vnishche
But that's why it's our d*ler
But if the cops ask
Then I'm sober and happy
I'm swimming in the ocean
I know it's fucking hot in here
Ocean drive glows at night
And it doesn't go out until morning
I smoke m*rihuana, you know it's legal here
And I heard on the hills, the parties don't subside
K*cain is the cleanest here, because tears smell it
They say in Beverly Hee
П.О.Х. - просто очень хорошо...