trance, ethno, deep hous, electro, raggie, heavy metall, rap, r`n`b, asmr rap, classic, minimal, club hous, k-pop, club dance, folk, viking trance, viking folk, pampean flute, drums etc. anything loud shit
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@Im the son of a ... twitch!@ It's Just a Bad Day not a Bad Life!!!! What Doesn't Kill you...........Better Run!!!!!! Whatever Will be Will Be!!!!!! Spread Kindness and you will never be wrong_Expect Nothing and Appreciate Everything!! If you are sad, remember: Stressed backwards is desserts. Dont let the Ba*tards Grind you down!!!! Don't ever give up, Everything Worth doing is Hard...........Life is worth the risk!!! Dont let the Ba*tards Grind you down!!!! Good Vibes Only (R) mems&hots from my fava ReDD,Zombie,Nezz on Twitch, "u make me hungry again"
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О себе
свободный художник при культурно-выставочном центре "Вернисаж" г.С-Петербург, Дизайнер GYM, вэб-дизайнер(UI/UX/CMM), специалист по рекламе в ЯндексДирект / web-desiginer(UI/UX/CMM), Designer GYM & true freedom artist, YandexDirect Advertising Specialist