Anime, games, music, skateboarding, basketball, strumming at el. guitar, ufology, ezaterika, krivozhopoye drawing on grf. planchette. On this demo version is complete, to learn the full, write me tyknuv on the button personal message
Любимые фильмы
A lot of them
Любимая музыка
Rock'n'roll, Country, Blues, Rock
Любимые телешоу
Uh, where to start .... they are not
Любимые книги
I prefer to write Himself
Любимые цитаты
"It's with real pleasure that I play for the common people, not for the fat people" (C) - Ritchie Blackmore.
"Believe yourself is not necessary, the main thing is to believe in what you do. Then others will believe it "(C) - Jimmy Page, " Led Zeppelin"
"If someone yells that his guitar playing has some kind of mission, spit in his eyes. All he wants is less work and more pussy" (C) - gene Simmons, KISS
"I know many people who are afraid of death. They say: "it is terrible to Die. Dying is hard. I don't agree with them - it's easy to die. Much harder to live" (C) - Jace Hetfield, Metallica
"The only thing that moves us forward is music, not the desire to become famous."(C) - Pink Floyd
"A song can't change the world, but it can get you high!"(C) - Klaus meine, Scorpions
"I didn't make a choice - the music chose me. And now I play rock " (C) - Roger Glover, Deep Purple
"While I'm breathing, rock and roll is alive" (C) - Roger Glover, Deep Purple
"Better to be morose dreamer than a mindless party-goer" (C) - Kurt Cobain, Nirvana
"It is better to die on the sidelines, but to achieve your goal, than to live 100 years knowing that you have betrayed yourself."(C) -Robert plant Led Zeppel
"I'm full of mud and guitars. My only ambition in life is to play rock as well as possible."- Sid Barrett, Pink Floyd
"You know what, let's go and cut the music, not each other" (C) - kirk Hammett, Metallica.
"If you stop listening to something just because everyone around you starts listening to it, then it's just as stupid as starting to listen to pop music just because your friends are listening to it, and you don't want to be different." (C) Oscar Dronjak, Hammerfall.
"No one dies a virgin. Life will fuck everyone." (C) - Kurt Cobain, Nirvana
"No matter how much life counts for me, I will always be 18, and I love it..."(C) - Alice Coop
"Any errors are part of the game, don't think about them, just try to fix them as quickly as possible" (C) - Alice Cooper
"I am in constant battle with myself. And it seems like most of the time I lose..."(C) - Roger waters, Pink Floyd