When it comes to dreams, one may falter, but the only way to fail is to abandon them.
Always remember you're unique - just like everyone else
Hell was made in heaven
I was made for you
Hell was made in heaven
Made for loving you
In sin:)))
Andre beten zur Madonne,
Andre auch zu Paul und Peter;
Ich jedoch, ich will nur beten,
Nur zu dir, du schöne Sonne.
Gib mir Küsse, gib mir Wonne,
Sei mir gütig, sei mir gnädig,
Schönste Sonne unter den Mädchen,
Schönstes Mädchen unter der Sonne!
In the eyes of the world
For the roots to the soul
In the songs of the child
The dead angel's alive
People tell me A and B
They tell me how I have to see
Things that I have seen already clear
So they push me then from side to side
They're pushing me from black to white
They're pushing till there's nothing more to hear
Bellatorius victorialis
Erastus necessitas
Honararius despondeo
Spiritus obdormio
Patriota gladiator
Afflictio ommento
Divinitus salutaris
Furtivus libertas
("Rome Total War" - это просто такой красивый женский голос в любимой
What if Jesus was a girl;))
Du bist gestorben und weißt es nicht,
Erloschen ist dein Augenlicht,
Erblichen ist dein rotes Mündchen,
Und du bist tot, mein totes Kindchen.
Любимые игры
Dragon Age Origins, Mass Effect, Civilization V, Wizardry 8, Skyrim, Oblivion, Jade Empire, Rome Total War, Medieval II Total War, Prime World Defenders, Telltale Games
О себе
To invoke the Horned God:))) feel your horns:)))
Freedom is not power, freedom is immunity to the power.
Be a fool, but better be a fool of yourself than a wiseman of something else:)))
They who drag you into their own reality for bad or for good are definitely not your friends
Оразование и карьера
НаименованиеГимназия № 1274 им. В. В. Маяковского
Нет данных или скрыто
Учебное заведениеМГИК (бывш. МГУКИ)
ФакультетСоциально-гуманитарный факультет (бывш. Институт информационных коммуникаций и библиотек, Институт культурологии и музееведения)
СпециальностьКафедра библиотековедения и книговедения