Brainwash was born mainly as a live band, and made its debut on stage in 1992. From then on, we started an intense live activity throughout Italy, because in live shows we found our ideal dimension.
Thanks to all these concerts, the name Brainwash started to become known in our country, and in 1995 we made a step ahead: we started being called, as appropriate supporting act, to open basically all the shows of the foreign bands that came to play in Italy, such as Malevolent Creation, Vader, Vital Remains, Sinister, Deranged, Avulsed, Oppressor, Infernal Majesty, and many more. In 1997 we began to go and play abroad: we took part to events like Grind Over Europe, Petrogrind Fest, Brutal Assault Fest, Obscene Extreme Fest and many more; we did tours throughout Europe with tons of extreme bands of the current scene from all over the world; we also played at overseas events (like the Maryland Death Fest in 2004).
Our last tour took place in Finland and Russia, in November 2007, for our 15th anniversary of live activity. In 2008, on a break from our recording session, we took part to the 10th edition of the Fekal Party Fest. Then we hit the road to Poland again and, with proud and pleasure, we went to Crimea for the first time ever, to participate in the Metal Head Mission Fest. We are now setting out to play at the Zverovision Fest in Kiev, which will be followed by a tour in Ukraine and Russia.