Baseball (MLB - Chicago Cubs), Football (EFL - Oxford United), Basketball (NCAA - Whichita State Shockers), American Football (NCAA - Clemson Tigers), 80's-cars (Ford Sierra, Mazda 323)
Любимые фильмы
Fault in Our Stars, Mr. Church, Flipped, Live in a Year, Midnight Sun, Barfuss, Moneyball, Rush, The World's Fastest Indian, Catch Me If You Can, The Blind Side, Miracle, The Rookie, The Greatest Game Ever Played, Any Given Sunday, A League of Their Own, Keinohrhasen, Knocking on Heavens Door, Ocean's Eleven, La La Land, The Book of Eli, Generation П, Revolver, Holy Man, Rush Hour, Groundhog Day, Men of Honor, Green Street Hooligans, Dumb & Dumber, Cast Away, Pay it Forward, Dances with Wolves, The Green Mile, The Terminal, The Thomas Crown Affair, Москва слезам не верит
Любимая музыка
U2, Oasis, Kasabian, Radiohead, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Dido, Madonna, Spice Girls, The XX, Sheryl Crow, Moby, Gwen Stefani, Depeche Mode, Nelly Furtado
Любимые телешоу
Непутевые заметки, Graveyard Carz, EFL on Quest, EFL matters, Top Gear, Grand Tour, NHL on the Fly, Voice, Match of the Day, программа "Время"