О́пиум (о́пий) — the strong drug received from lacteal juice dried up on the sun, extracted from immature boxes опийного a poppy (Papaver somniferum). In traditional medicine thanks to the high maintenance морфиновых алкалоидов it was used as strong sedative. However it quickly caused a drug dependence and now is applied only as raw materials to manufacture of more safe anaesthetics. ________________________________________ Geroin — Semisynthetic опиоидный a drug though in the XX-th century beginning has been synthesised, as a medical product. Now the most part опиоидных addicts take heroin, as it связанно with the expressed narcotic action, relative cheapness and quickly развивающеся physical and psychological dependence. __________________________________________ Morfin (a new armour. Morphinum; The out-of-date variant of the name — morphine) — one of the main things алкалоидов opium, contains in a poppy soporific (Papaver somniferum). ___________________________________________ Marihuana — the psychoactive substance received from a version of a hemp which contains the greatest quantity of psychoactive substances (каннабиоиды). _________________________________________ БДБ (J, BDB, L (3, 4-metilendioksifenil)-2-butanamin) — a hallucinogen. _________________________________________ Dietilamid d-lizerginovoj the acids, known under name ЛСД, getting to an organism, is the competitive antagonist серотонина — one of regulators of the central nervous system. Possesses strong галлюциногенным action; it is applied at treatment of some mental diseases. __________________________________________ Metadon (6 (диметиламино)-4, 4-difenil-3-geptanon) — a synthetic medical product from group опиоидов, applied as анальгетик.
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