Interests are not almost present, like to go for a walk, evening-party, girls, blondes especially, and zanimayus' karate))
Любимые фильмы
Can not say nothing about it, uzhasy^
Любимая музыка
Favourite musik? And there is not sweet one, all of musik is good, except for a fate and every kherni)
Любимые телешоу
And who did think of these questions?
Любимые книги
Che batan i to read books?
Любимые цитаты
And what quotations??????????????????
Любимые игры
A favourite game is in otnosheniya***
О себе
That can you tell about itself? thi love one girl,we together now, but recklessly love it, always glad new acquaintances, adore girl-blondy, koroche ask everything on line at mnu))))))))))
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